This blog was created to take up the issues of better deer management and deer hunting here in the great state of New York. Along the way, I hope to share with you some wonderful stories and great experiences that I have had in deer camp and the deer woods. I am optimistic, that with shared knowledge we can broaden new horizons on our hunting traditions.




So, I am coming back from a "trout town USA " dinner Saturday night, and as always I am on the back roads and always looking for a photo-op.
I figured I could get some nice shots along the Willowemoc as dusk was approaching.  As I came around a turn on Hazel Rd I spied two horses in a fenced pasture and they were on the far end!

Well, as soon as they saw me exit the car with camera in hand I could see a twinkle in their eyes and I knew they were in a mischievous mood. They looked at each other and then sauntered quickly in my direction.  Now, by no means am I a horseman, but as a "ute" I was around horses many times, as my sister rode frequently and eventually worked on a horse farm, a place called "Borderland Farms" (Sussex, NJ) as a teenager.  I am comfortable around them, but I have to admit that I am intimidated by their size.  I could see that they were up to no good.  I felt like I was about to be pick-pocketed.

I realized that the possibility that they could smell the "rib sauce" from my recent dinner on my hands may have been an attractor, but these two just had "trouble" written all over their faces.  I greeted them with soft friendly words as they lifted their heads over the corral fencing to get a better look at me.  They seemed friendly enough as I patted their foreheads.  I saw this as a great photo opportunity and tried to position myself with my back to them to set up the picture.  I was laughing as I did this and one of them pushed my shoulder with its nose putting me off balance, (a little) but still laughing (almost knocked the pick out of my mouth)!

I was actually giddy at this point and tried to center myself between these two characters holding out the camera trying to get all three of us in the picture.  As i did this, the blonde haired hussy on the left grabbed the back of my arm with her mouth giving me quite a pinch.  Still laughing, but now alert, I chortled some foul language in her direction and backed away.  I knew i had been used and abused by these equine comedians!  So I said to the one on the right "Whats with the long face?"

Eh, I guess you had to be there!

PS - I have subsequently learned that this dynamic duo's names are Horace and Jaspar  --- NO Just kidding!

Thats Rusty and Jeri.

Never look a gift horse in the mouth!
Never kick a gift horse in the mouth!
Never stick your arm in a gift horses mouth!
WORDS to live bye!