This blog was created to take up the issues of better deer management and deer hunting here in the great state of New York. Along the way, I hope to share with you some wonderful stories and great experiences that I have had in deer camp and the deer woods. I am optimistic, that with shared knowledge we can broaden new horizons on our hunting traditions.




When you talk to hunters, it never fails, that one of two issues (and many times both) are always controversial. The subjects of antler restrictions and hunter orange never fail to raise the ire of dedicated outdoorsmen. The resounding negative response by naysayers in both cases is “loss of freedom”. I have a real problem with that response. See, some sportsmen see the inclusion of both into the regulations as an encroachment onto their regular hunting routine, instead of looking at the bigger picture.


Antler restrictions are a management tool to insure age diversity in the herd. The naysayers quote the NYSDEC biologists as saying “there is no biological need for antler restrictions”. I have heard this mantra for a few years now. There premise is, that regardless of the ages of deer they will breed. That is true! The resounding difference is when they breed! Ask yourself this question. Do timely breeding cycles insure less Winter mortality? In fact, ask a wildlife biologist those words. The fact, that when young bucks are doing the breeding, a larger percentage of does do not get bred until the 2nd and 3rd cycles. This is a scientific, biological fact! The result of being born from those cycles is that fawns are born later and subsequently are smaller and less prepared to handle the following Winter climate. Taaa Daaa --- Death ensues when the ice and snow start to pile up here in the North East, and as we all know, that happens quite frequently.

In cases of extremely harsh Winters, (and we have plenty of those) does have the capability of internally ingesting their fetuses. Does that are bred in the 2nd and 3rd cycles are more likely to have to do that. Now, that may not be a “biological need” to you, but it certainly is to those deer. The NYS DEC does not have a reliable way of accounting for live deer in this state, nevermind, dead deer, or never born deer. They “manage” by reactionary and preventative measures. They will tell you “that as long as deer are not dieing en masse” then they are successfully managing the herd! Shame on them! This is obviously a deer health issue not a hunter “freedom” issue.

If you still don’t believe me? Ask yourself why the NYSDEC proffers and suggests that antler restrictions should be included in viable management plans on private property? Yes, they do! It’s all over the DEC website and at the 20 recent DEC deer meetings they included large posters in their presentations posturing EXACTLY those sentiments!

The vast majority of hunters surveyed (67%) by the DEC were in favor of antler restrictions. In democratic societies the majority rules. That sounds like freedom to me!


It saddens me that the topic of hunter orange is looked at as another “freedom” issue. It is clearly a safety issue that if common sense would prevail could easily be implemented. This should be a regional issue and any application of a law including hunter orange would be better then nothing. To save a life, to avoid a deadly tragedy, it is hard for me to fathom the logic applied, to lump this issue as a loss of freedom.

To the best of my knowledge, the only game animal that can actually distinguish the color orange, is the turkey. You can’t tell me that the inclusion of hunter orange during the Southern Zone Big Game Season would not save somebody, or some family the horror of losing a loved one in a hunting accident. It just stands to reason that something could be amicably worked out to lessen the “freedom” (sic) loss. The big game animals typically have no response to the color, but more the movement of the person wearing the color.

It annoys me that hunters do not see the value in making our tradition safer and more appealing to a squeamish public whose only perception of hunting is the danger that surrounds firearms. Not that we need to appease any of the hate mongers, but being able to say that hunting is the safest sport may go a long way in the decision process of a parent whose kid has an interest and no outlet and that parent, must make an intelligent decision.

It embarrasses me to tell you that a few years ago the New York State Conservation Council’s Big Game Committee voted down a proposed resolution for the council to posture for hunter orange. The council is a very large organization that claims to represent 300,000 sportsmen. How they can just forego some semblance of a law pertaining to such an important safety issue is beyond me? In my opinion it is irresponsible to do nothing! The vote was 9 – 1. Guess who the 1 vote was?

We hunters have a long way to go to get to nirvana.


  1. Great Blog!
    The bottom line is that there is no biological reason to harvest 75% of all male deer at 1.5 years or younger. Common sense says that we should not have such an impact on a wild animal population. All New Yorkers should be able to enjoy a deer herd with all parts intact. And if the majority stake holders, Hunters, support it 67% why not make the change. 22 other states have yearling buck protection.

    Hunter orange. One day I was hunting and I saw three deer coming toward me. I put the rifle up ready to shoot and just before I pulled the trigger I saw red. Here comes a woman and her eight year old daughter. They were only 50 yards behind the deer. They had not even seen the deer. Without the hunter orange it could have been really bad.

    I have seen people hunting in tan carharts and camo all the time. This makes no sense. It is not fair to the other hunters or landowners. We need common sense not a law. But people need to wear hunter orange on public land, heavily hunted areas and in brush. We used to have red plaid and hunter orange. The problem comes with all the new camo clothes.

  2. You claim that young bucks do not breed does until the 2nd or 3rd cycle as fact but you don't give reference to that fact. Actually a buck to doe ratio being out of balance is more likely to blame for the does not getting bred than the age of the bucks.

    You can claim any percentage you wish for who is in favor and who is not, but the average hunter doesn't pay any attention to what is being said or done about the issues until they got and buy a license and learn about any new regs at that time. That is apparent with the number of people that didn't know about the license fee increase until they purchased a license.

    If you wish for more larger bucks like other states then you should be also pushing for 10 to 14 day gun seasons and have to pay to hunt on private property as many of the other states have. NY has some of the longest seasons from beginning to end. I will guarentee there are at least as many people upset with the regulations in PA as there are happy ones. I have heard many stories of people that have quit hunting because the restrictions turned them off totally and they gave up.

    Maybe we should go back to when NY had better bucks everyone wishes for and allow only 1 buck per year, have DMPs back to 4 people per tag and no special muzzloader season or late bow seasons. If we shoot less deer each year then there will have to be more older deer. But then no one wishes to limit the take to help this balance, but you will require me to count points before I shoot. I have a nice 20 inch spread 10 point mounted that I could see horns but was unable to count points as the head was obstructed by brush. I would have had to pass up a nice 4 year old buck because I have also seen a 20 inch spread 4 point which would not be legal.

    You are more than welcome to pass any deer you wish but it is not your place to push your agenda on the rest of the hunters any more than it is right for Congress to push healthcare down Americans throats!

    Antler restrictions should be a voluntary program, not manditory based on stated fact that no one ever references. Until you post references to you facts you are only expressing you opinion. Especially since the DEC biologists dispute your facts as unfounded. But what would they know, they are only biologists and actual do research and state fact.

  3. Dear ANON #2,

    I SAID: "The fact, that when young bucks are doing the breeding, a larger percentage of does do not get bred until the 2nd and 3rd cycles.

    You Said: "You claim that young bucks do not breed does until the 2nd or 3rd cycle as fact"

    There is quite a bit of difference there partner!

    You Said: "You can claim any percentage you wish for who is in favor and who is not,..."

    I SAY: I did not conduct the survey, the DEC did and they reported the percentage!

    You Said: "but the average hunter doesn't pay any attention to what is being said or done about the issues ..."

    I SAY: Anybody that did not know that license fees were going up, must be living under a rock! Shame on you that you think Sportsmen don't pay attention to what is going on in the hunting and fishing world. That is pure cynical conjecture on your part!

    You Say: "I will guarentee there are at least as many people upset with the regulations in PA as there are happy ones."

    I SAY: According to the PGC report that was recently released. Their deer management plan (that includes antler restrictions) has been a huge success and the residents of the fine state of Pennsylvania have come to understand the need for it; as well as have embraced it. I didn't write it, but I did read it! How about you? Have you bothered to read it?

    You Say: "I could see horns but was unable to count points as the head was obstructed by brush."

    I SAY: That statement sir/madam/anonymous is a real eye opener. You are a disgrace. No sportsman with an ounce of common sense or sportsmanship takes that shot! You have, through your ignorance and tact exposed yourself as a menace to society. The sad part, is that you have only exposed yourself to yourself. Do me and the hunting world a favor -- get out. We don't want to share the woods with you and we certainly don't want our kids out there with you!

    You Said: "You are more than welcome to pass any deer you wish but it is not your place to push your agenda on the rest of the hunters any more than it is right for Congress to push healthcare down Americans throats!

    I SAY: That is quite an analogy. Have you been in touch with reality anytime lately?

    You Say: "Especially since the DEC biologists dispute your facts as unfounded."

    I SAY: Show me one biologist that can dispute any of the facts that I have stated? Let it be known, I DO NOT write something that I cannot prove. I DON'T bandy about with BS or conjecture. Don't come to MY blog with back woods rhetoric that you heard around the outhouse. Don't come here and misquote me! I don't have the time or inclination to mentally wrestle with some ignoramus that hasn't picked up a book in the last 25 years.
