This blog was created to take up the issues of better deer management and deer hunting here in the great state of New York. Along the way, I hope to share with you some wonderful stories and great experiences that I have had in deer camp and the deer woods. I am optimistic, that with shared knowledge we can broaden new horizons on our hunting traditions.




It’s been 18 or 19 days since I was first alerted to the fact that the Yellow Tail wines distributor had made a $100,000 donation to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).   The HSUS people (for those of you who may not understand the dilemma) are a group that has vowed to see to the abolishment of hunting and fishing throughout the world.  The majority of their monies are NOT earmarked for animal shelters or rescue efforts as their name might imply, rather, their radical agenda against sportsmen.

There has been an awful lot written since this insulting donation was made.  Thousands of sportsmen have been alerted to this situation via numerous outdoor columns across this state and country, as well as the thousands of email lists that transverse the country and world.  I myself have written two different letters to the company in hopes of them understanding their mistake and rectifying their decision (see below), but apparently to no avail.

Yellow Tail has tried to dance around the issue.  First, they responded to concerned sportsman like myself with an unsigned form letter that explained that their donation would be earmarked specifically for animal rescue.  More recently, in a letter to an upstate sportsman they took a softer tone, but alas, they have not said the magic words!  They apparently just don’t get it.

The magic words are:

Maybe they do things differently in Australia?  Maybe, they don’t realize what forgiving people we Americans are?  Maybe, apparently, they just don’t care what Americans perceive as being offensive to our polite society?  Maybe they just need to be taught a lesson!

Let the message be heard loud and clear --- American sportsmen and our families are boycotting Yellowtail wines!

You can email the company and voice your displeasure about their donation and failure to understand the problem to: 

You can write to:
W.J. Deutsch and Sons Ltd.
108 Corporate Park Drive 
White Plains, NY 10604

You can telephone:

Tel: 914-251-9463
Ask to speak to Bill Deutsch, W.J. Deutsch’s chairman or Peter Deutsch, the company’s chief executive officer.



Dear Yellow Tail Representative,

You have made a huge error in judgment!  Sending me an unsigned "form" letter is the epitome of an attitude that is uncaring, demeaning and insulting.  Your ignorance in redressing my letter will now cost you thousands of New York outdoorsmen as customers.  Rest assured, that my e-mail list and blog will extend my message to thousands of the sporting public and they in turn will spread the word to their extended families and lists.

Your attempt to streamline your donation to specific HSUS projects is tantamount to compounding the atrocity.  You stated that "We’ve listened to your recent feedback and it was very helpful to us....", but that is not true and your posture is not acceptable.  You have now exacerbated your donation mistake by insulting mainstream America.

In effect, you have made it much easier to boycott your product.  Had you admitted your mistake and corrected your donation we would have found it easier to move on from this issue.  Instead, you have raised the ire of all concerned sportsmen and women and now your company will have to learn a huge business lesson.  Your company's business acumen will surely be reflected, as future profit margins can be expected to plummet.

As you contemplate your next business endeavor, perhaps you will learn from your mistakes,

Martin T. Mc Donnell


To Whom It May Concern,

It is a sad day when a "favorite" company such as Yellow Tail refuses to admit its error in judgment and fails to correct it's poorly chosen business decision.  Yellow Tail's donation to HSUS is just that, as HSUS is an organization that is well known to be against hunting and sportsmen.  A large portion of their monies already, are used to work against this conservation strategy (hunting is the accepted and preferred wild animal management tool throughout the world).  Your alignment with this corporation does not sit well with sportsmen and women.  Our reaction, will be an easy one, as our consciences will not permit us to purchase and enjoy your product any longer.  

One would hope that you would recognize the potential disaster in your decision, as there are upwards of 70,000 hunting licenses sold in New York City alone.  Compound that across this state and country and there is certainly realistic potential for your company's concern.

I suggest to you that your charitable donations targeted towards the goodwill of animals would best be served by donating to any, or all of the following legitimate organizations:

New York State Whitetail Management Coalition (

Quality Deer Management Association  (

Whitetails Unlimited  (

Trout Unlimited  (

1 comment:

  1. Martin,
    I never heard of Yellow Tail wine till the HSUS deal. Now the wine company and the HSUS have more FREE press than they could have ever paid for.
    Looking at this latest issue of the HSUS money grab I have to ask, just how many hunters drink Yellow Tail wine? I bet very few if any. So again sportsmen have helped the antis announce the latest HSUS money grab.

    Here again NY sportsmen ran off on yet another distraction while the state closes parks. Last year hunting grounds in the ADK area were made off limits to thousands of long time hunter's. Camps that had been part of a tradition for decades shut down to keep the ADK wilderness.
    What did we hear when this happened? Barley a peep, nut let the HSUS partner with some unknown wine and every sportsman in the nation had the time to send and email, join facebook and make a comment.
    NY Sportsmen really need to seek medical attention for ADD so they can concentrate on NEW YORK issues & for go all the anti distractions.

    Regards BPB
